A better way for investors to track the market at a glance
ETFs are curated and categorized to maximize market coverage including thematic areas like Clean Energy and ESG
A unique take on the heatmap to easily visualize performance across intervals up to three years
Nominal performance doesn't tell the whole story. Tap a button to show performance relative to a benchmark.
See how broader trends like Growth vs. Value and Large Cap vs. Small Cap have performed over time
Easily identify the biggest movers in the ETF market segmented by Factor, Sector, Geography, Asset Type, and Investment Theme. Quick Indicators measure broad underlying trends.
Each List is further categorized to help provide greater depth. For example, the US Equities By Sector List tracks the largest ETFs in domestic Banks, Biotech, Energy, Financials, etc.
Found an interesting ETF in the app? Get greater context with news provided by Yahoo Finance or zoom out for broader market news from ETFdb.com, ETF Trends, and Nasdaq.
Designed to take advantage of your iPad's extra screen space
Looks great in both Light Mode and Dark Mode
Automatically analyzes data among six time dimensions to find groups of ETFs that have performed similarly over time
No ads and no selling of data. Updated end-of-day pricing requires a free Tiingo account.